Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time is never time at all

When first thinking of the idea of time as a gift one might think it would be appreciated more then if thought as the idea of “time is money.” I think both ways of thinking of time are a way of appreciating it. One who thinks of time as a gift might value the physical and emotional relationships they have with people and the world around them. Someone who views time as money might value hardworking ways and the importance the dollar has on the ability to live and sustain a certain way of life. Neither is necessarily a better way to look at time because overall everyone comes upon their viewpoints based on experiences they have had during their life. In addition, just because someone might stick to either motto doesn’t mean one can’t ever see through the eyes of the other. However, the downside or negative aspects of viewing time as money is that you can get caught up in the nonsense, man made ways of life and miss out on what, perhaps, is really happening around you. And being able to view time as a gift could allow you to live and lead a more healthy balanced life.

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