Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my gift

When I started coaching the varsity swim program back in Michigan right before the old coach stepped down he told me that I was giving a gift. He explained that my knowledge of the sport was my knowledge to these students I was coaching. He went further to say that the Native Americans would give gifts to the new European settlers and would be completely baffled by their responses. The new comers kept the gifts. What the natives believed is that they put part of their soul in their gifts and that they were sharing their soul with these new people, but the thing is once you use the item you are to put part of your soul in it and pass it on. My coach called it an "Indian Gift". I chuckled when he said that. But that is what many of us do everyday. Our knowledge and time, every time you tell someone a story, explain how to do something, give a hint, or just a pat on the back is our "Indian gift" to the cycle. We don't expect a gift in return but just for our gift to continue down the path. I believe in free gifts because I give them everyday. I'm not obligated or expecting anything in return I just do them, and all I can hope is that they do the same. That they pass that little part of me to the next person so that my spirit will not perish

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