Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm a bit of a pessimist continued......

Okay I just realized that I ranted and didn't completely answer the questions. ( I just read a lot about Native American genocide. I get worked up)

I do think that languages are important. I think we should certainly do our best to preserve them. Many will die out but that doesn't mean their existence should be completly forgotton. I believe Latin was a dead language until some philosophical dudes during the renaissance reinforced its importance. (Sorry if I made that up).

I think identifying ones self with the language that they use is very real. I choose to use English in a way that makes me feel comfortable. I'm not bilingual but I would assume that many Mexican Americans feel a sense of identity by speaking spanish at home etc. So yes, it is important to preserve even if it wont be used. Language is part of history and I believe that history is extremely important. It is to me at least.

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